Political Science/International Relations, Statistics (Minor: French and Francophone Studies)博雅教育原教旨主义者,坚信liberal arts是未来高等教育的发展方向,坚信但行好事莫问前程的道理,坚信博雅教育能够给我们带来一个beautiful mind。政治狂热爱好者,king of the games。


Carleton College 18’



Washington University in St. Louis 18’

哟,大家好啊。我是董金杰,来自Swarthmore College。对什么都感点兴趣,对有些东西特别感兴趣。因为认定不能理解世界运作的机理的话会很遗憾,所以预计主修物理。热衷语言学,涉猎汉语音韵学,很想为中国方言的保护出力。喜欢摄(pai1)影(zhao4)、竹(luan4)笛(chui1)和游戏(ji1)王,拖延症发作的时候一般刷刷知乎逛逛B站什么的…… 习惯性不定期抽风。一切还请多多指教。


Swarthmore College 18’

浙江大学竺可桢学院 2014级计算机科学与技术专业,浙江大学超级计算机竞赛预备队员。 擅长Python与网页开发,浙江大学官方学生网站求是潮技术研发中心工程师副总监,曾获NOIP2013一等奖及2014百度-浙大Hackathon 最佳设计奖。


浙江大学 17’

Prelaw 党,普通法狂热粉,Wesleyan U College of Social Studies (相当于加了历史tutorial的英式PPE) Class of 2017,欧洲史美国史爱好者,Baroque music fan.


Wesleyan University 17’

我是李昊谦,来自北京。高中就读于北师大实验中学,大学现就读于 Haverford College。感兴趣的专业包括数学、经济、心理、历史。课外兴趣爱好包括打羽毛球,网球,弹琴和辩论。自诩为吃货其实并不够格。酷爱打战地和dota。自认为为人随和,幽默风趣,开朗热情。


Haverford College 18’

Hi I am Crystal Liu. I double major in political science and economics — the classic combination, but except for that, I had great fun taking classes in women gender studies department, philosophy department, classics department, etc. Most of my extracurricular time in college was dedicated to my debate career; still as a manic first year, I had tried out for a lot of campus activities and am involved in the school programing board. Out of school, I enjoy driving around my city, searching for exquisite restaurants and cafe, and talking or reading with my friends. When I was asked if I have a chance to share one or two of my college courses with Chinese high school students, which ones I would choose. It was hard to decide since each course offers distinct way of looking at the world but somehow they could cross apply to each other and make absolute sense. In the end, however, I decided upon Greek Civilization and debate, as the former explains the foundations of western democracy and the latter is the most direct application of the democratic principles. I am very excited about sharing my ideas on these topics and having new discussions with you guys! I am very thrilled to join the Veritas Team and I believe we will have an awesome and irreplaceable summer together!


Vanderbilt University 18’

现就读于Vassar College,心属电影专业,尚未declare。北京人在纽约村儿。文艺和逗逼的特质时常两头拉扯。拥有善良的外表和美丽的心灵。一切以实物为准。


Vassar College 18’

心理学与数学专业。 爱交朋友爱音乐爱运动爱美食爱旅行, 是个平时大大咧咧有点急脾气说话直率的北京大妞儿,虽然不是完美主义但是对于认为重要的事情极为较真儿上心。


Washington University, St Louis 18’

主修Economics Independent Major。我这个人有数不过来的跨越人文、社会科学和自然科学各领域的学术兴趣,同时也认为拘泥于一个专业不可能赋予我们阐释如此复杂世界中的现象的能力,因此自然而然对于博雅教育有着极大的热情。我可能可以被算作半个理想主义者。对于电影和健身有无法割舍的狂热。


Cornell University 18’

少时生长于闽地,及加冠学于西洋。 曾为经济专业之众,未有经世治国之能;欲转投于数理哲学门下,始沉迷抽象具象之间;现醉心于认知学与现象学之府邸,望以跨学科视角审视学术与人生。仍不懈思索个体与社会、教育同大众、思维和意识、内里及外部现象之联系。不愿循规蹈矩,自然屡败屡战。历经沉沉浮浮坎坎坷坷,惊觉生活即为自我教育。甚是感恩。


University College London 17’

我名为张友石,来自密歇根大学安娜堡分校。从小便喜爱历史,而这个兴趣也从未改变过,正因为如此我是历史专业。在不少人看来这是个极其任性的决定,但我之 前已经深思熟虑过了。况且不学历史,我也没有其他的可以学得了。自高中以来,科技树就已经全面倒向文科,初中打下的理科优势早就荡然无存。而于诸文科学科 之中(比如社会学,人文地理,哲学),我相对来讲最为擅长的就是历史学了。当然了,这条路不会一帆风顺,那就请上帝保佑了。


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 18’

大家好,我是朱洛萱(Vivian),来自纽约的Bard College, 大一在德国柏林作交换生。心理学专业。未接触心理学之前只明白,这门科学于人们是一本必要的生存手册,然而,当我接触了一些实验与调查之后,它带来的震撼超出我的想像,既而坚定了我学习心理的决心。十分希望志同道合的朋友们可以一起交流学习心得,当然,如果有将来打算参加Study Abroad Program或者对欧洲的学习生活感兴趣的朋友们,我很乐意与你分享这其中的乐趣:)


Bard College 18’



浙江大学 18’

Hi! My name is Ying Zhang(张颖). I’m a sophomore in Carleton College in MN, USA. My potential major is geology and I am also very interested in archaeology, astronomy and biology. I have taken several geology courses in Carleton and I am really amazed by geology and of course the field trips (sometimes in the trip you dig up fossils! It’s fun!). In my spare time, I spend my time doing field drawing and observing the stars at midnight. I love traveling around the world and experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. I am impressed by the great prairie and those beautiful animals in Kenya, the colorful buildings in Guatemala, the luminescent Biobay in Puerto Rico, the peaceful town and friendly people in Norway. If you discover that you are also in love with traveling, drawing and nature, etc, I would be very glad to share stories with you. Also, welcome to geology! It is an interesting area that you have never tried before! Keep it Clasty and Rocky!


Carleton College 18’

杨明晖,就读于北京大学哲学系 学会思考从来不是一件容易的事情,因为思考本身依然可以被思考。哲学之所以可以成为一项事业,也正是因为哲学的追问永远迫使人去思考“思想”本身。作为一名学生,不敢说自己有什么成熟的思想或深刻的见解,但我希望能够在这条道路上继续前行。 “沉思乃一种勇气,它敢于使自己的前提成为最值得追问的东西。”


北京大学 17’



Tufts University 18’



Pomona College 18’